The success of an ecommerce business starts with the right strategy. For the effective launch, we assist in understanding buying personas, designing typical customer journeys, defining promising sales and marketing channels, deciding on the complexity of an ecommerce solution that will deliver on your requirements without being excessive and cost-ineffective for your business.
The third step has no upper time limits – from the moment of launch, your ecommerce solution will need ongoing support. For the software component, we will employ solution maintenance services for its flawless functioning and solid security. Besides, your business will evolve when some ideas fail to work out and new ones come to your mind instead.
Apt and timely shipment of goods by land, sea or air is not an easily manageable task. That is why our custom logistics solutions are tailored to automate all shipment processes, eliminate manual activities and related errors, ensure secure and cost-saving freight delivery operations. They provide forwarding agents and managers with the range of tools for messaging and quoting, billing and invoicing, imaging and scanning.